Sunday 8 February 2009

A little help in current times & Interesting facts about la Chandeleur, (Candlemas aka “Pancake day”)

Either among Romans or Celts, the period of the year corresponding to our current month of February was the occasion to celebrate the fertility and the “exit” of the winter. At the latter, the peasants traversed the fields with their lit torches requesting their Brigid goddess to purify the grounds before the sowing.

In the 5th century, this pagan festival was recovered by the pope Gelasius the 1st and was associated with the presentation of Jesus to the temple and the purification of the Virgin Marie. In the churches, the torches were replaced by blessed candles.

It was at that time of the year that the sowing of the winter started. They thus made use of the exceeding flour to make crepes, which became a symbol of prosperity for the year to come. The Candlemas (festivals of the candles) had been born.

On February 2nd thus became traditionally the day of crepes. The Ritual want that on this day, you must make your pancakes jump of the right hand, while holding a coin in the another hand so it brings you prosperity & good health for the year to come…

The ancestral prediction which stated “With the Candlemas, the winter dies or takes strength.” It seems that this year winter is here to stay for another little while. And as per the current climate (economical & environmental crisis) I would strongly recommend you all to keep making crepes with your coin (at this stage, a big bar of gold would be advisable) in the other hand.. ;-)

God bless you all!

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